When to use KOANSTAFF services

Staff shortages are inevitable, no matter how effectively a company manages its workforce.

A short-term project requires additional personnel, the employer often does not have time to find specialists, freelancers and establish a full workflow with them, the company's resources have difficulty filling the position, and the employer wants to try out a specialist before hiring him full time.

Outsourcing services are in demand to find and hire specialists, often rare ones, for specific tasks in their projects and to help close gaps in work processes.

All roles are available: part-time, temporary, contract or full-time hire.

What does using the KOANSTAFF service provide?

Reduce overhead costs

Costs associated with permanent employees include health insurance, pension contributions, sick leave, vacation pay and employer taxes, to name a few.
When recruiting temporary staff, the company pays the employee only for the work performed and does not incur additional overhead costs.

Overtime reduction

Employers can hire temporary staff through web-based HR services to help spread the workload during busy periods, rather than placing additional demands on their current permanent staff.
This is a major benefit because it allows companies to avoid overworking full-time employees and paying overtime to hourly workers.

Short-term staffing needs

If a permanent employee is sick, on maternity leave, has a family emergency, or goes on vacation, it is easier for the employer to hire a temporary employee.

Once a contractor's job is completed, there is no need to worry about paying severance, receiving unemployment insurance, or finding a successor. Not to mention, the dismissal process is not quick or painless.

The company can hire a specialist for a short time to solve these problems using COANSTAFF services.

Saving on training

Training new personnel usually requires significant time and financial investment.

There is no point in investing money in training someone who will only work for a few months.

Save time

There is no point in hiring someone permanently if the project will only last a certain amount of time.

The service provides an interactive full-cycle system from hiring a specialist to closing a completed and confirmed task.

Flexibility and control of the hiring process and problem solving is one of the main advantages.

When to use KOANSTAFF services

Staff shortages are inevitable, no matter how effectively a company manages its workforce.

A short-term project requires additional personnel, the employer often does not have time to find specialists, freelancers and establish a full workflow with them, the company's resources have difficulty filling the position, and the employer wants to try out a specialist before hiring him full time.

Eliminating Staff shortages at daily level

When it comes to managing workforces, including remote workers and experts, companies now have to quickly respond to sudden and short-term fluctuations in demand. In the process, it is vital to make the right decision quickly and efficiently using automated, interactive and full-featured high-level recruitment systems.

The influence of IT expertise on the choice of contractor

The participation of an external team allows you to speed up development when the company's internal resources are insufficient, and provides a cheaper start compared to forming your own IT team from scratch.

Typically, companies turn to outsourcing when they do not have enough internal resources or IT expertise to develop certain processes or scale previously developed solutions.

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